
Philip Christodoulou, Yogacarya, has a background in Law and Humanities with a specific focus on Indic Philosophy and Yoga. Originally from South Africa, he has lived most of his life in Fort Lauderdale. Yogacarya is the creator and founder of Anuttara Yoga in its Hatha, Vinyasa and Raja modalities. These are unique styles Yogacarya developed that give physical form to the philosophical and physiological constructs associated with a dynamic and safe Yoga practice.

Anuttara Yoga Shala in Fort Lauderdale is a School of Yoga with two studios for Hot and Unheated Yoga as well as a dedicated Teacher Training Hall for 200 Hour and 500 Hour Yoga Alliance Certifications. It is now very rare to find a popular School of Yoga anywhere, under the daily tutelage of its founder. Anuttara Yoga best exemplifies the essence of the ancient science where we follow all eight limbs of the Ashtanga Darshan.

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